♥ Website resources ♥
Y tplaylist scraper- Youtube playlist to html
Webhost_collection- masterpost for webhosting
Doodle nerd- css generators and tools
Seansleblanc- div based layout generator
Neo-rings- Make your own webrings
Cursor effects- Add your own custom cursor
Custom falling images
Dead link checker- Check for dead links
What is my screen resolution- test your site at different resolutions
Jans graphics- awesome vintage graphics
Funky Chickens- Cool website for learning code!
♥ Obscure research & interesting topics ♥
Doe network- Information on missing and unidentified people
Last meals wikipedia page- A list of the last meals requested by criminals on death row.
Wikipedia list of "last words"
♥ Old Web & Nostalgia ♥
Space Jam Website- From 1996!
♥ General Coolness ♥
Find Sounds- Just a huge collection of various archived sounds (not all work)
This Person Does Not Exist- AI Generated People